Aesthetic and Implant Solutions

We’ve designed a beautifully warm dental home and treatment experience to help
you relax and rest easy during your time with us – including TVs and noise- cancelling headphones in every room.

Expertise, Compassion &

Excellence in Oral Health.

Aesthetic and Implant Solutions

We’ve designed a beautifully warm dental home and treatment experience to help
you relax and rest easy during your time with us – including TVs and noise- cancelling headphones in every room.

Expertise, Compassion &

Excellence in Oral Health.

See if you Qualify for dental implants

Imagine the joy of having a complete, healthy
smile – the kind that lights up a room and leaves a lasting impression.
With our survey, you’re one step closer to realizing that dream. We’ve designed it to assess your unique needs and circumstances, helping you determine your eligibility for dental implants.


The Dental Atelier Implant Center, comprising a team of highly skilled surgeons, proficient lab technicians and dedicated support staff, is deeply committed to providing each patient with the highest level of care.

Guided by the expertise of our renowned implantologist, Dr. Kunal Narang and in collaboration with a range of insurance partners and flexible financing options, we are here to ensure you receive the treatment when it's needed.

Our Most Valuable Trusted Partners


Dr. Kunal Narang is a renowned Implantologist and cosmetic dentist, who trained at the prestigious University of San Francisco and has countless continuing education hours and experience in complex dental implant and cosmetic cases, digital implant dentistry and specialized in bone grafting techniques and advanced surgical approaches to modern Implantology.

Our Implant options


A full-arch prosthetic restores an entire arch of teeth, upper or lower, using a series of only four implants


An implant-supported bridge uses two implants to support a dental prosthetic that replaces a subsequent series of multiple missing teeth


Where traditional dentures rest on the gum line, snap-in dentures are secured in place through implants

Our patients tell the story best

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